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I remember Jesse hurting Granddad's finger with a pool ball and Granddad chasing Jesse around the pool table in his basement.
I always thought that was funny. I realize it doesn't sound like a nice memory, but it was a typical Joe over reaction.
So I always smile when I think about it.
Some of my favorite memories from growing up are spending weekends at Gram and Granddad's and having
our movie marathon, which always consisted of the old ones like Meet Me in St Louis and
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. Granddad loved that we loved these movies and
would watch them with us as many times as we wanted, which sometimes meant twice in a row.
I also remember a more typical Granddad experience on a mini golf course in OCNJ that either involved Jesse or Beth.
Not sure if one them hit Granddad with a club or he just did not like their mini golf behavior?
I'm hazy on that one so maybe you can elaborate.
Some of my most fond memories of Granddad though will be the ones of him and Tessa. His eyes lit up whenever he saw
her in a way I can't explain, even towards the end. They loved each other, and he let her do anything she wanted.
Even when she ran around screaming, he just smiled and laughed. He never yelled not once. He just loved to watch
her and he thought it was amazing to get to spend time with his great granddaughter.
I know he missed Savannah at times but he often said he wouldn't miss this for anything!
It means everything to me that she got to meet and know her Big G!
Some of my favorite "Elderly" memories....
When he let me and Jenn decorate him like a Christmas Tree! He totally let us put tinsel around him and ornaments on his glasses.
So unGranddad!
Watching old movies ALL the time.
Like Singing in the Rain, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers and Meet Me in St Louis.
One time I put bubble wrap under their rugs and he pretended not to know and got scared every time he stepped on it.
Happy Hour of course :)
Going to Longwood Gardens every year during Christmas. Elderly loved the flowers and must have taken thousands of pictures --
especially of the roses. We all know how much he loved his rose garden.
And of course a typical Granddad moment, when I went to Florida to visit and we played golf
and he yelled at me the whole time because I wasn't holding my head still and whatever else I was doing wrong.
I never played with him again.
He will be missed ALOT but we all have so many good memories!
I remember granddad teaching me how to rack and break at the pool table.
Learning to play golf with granddad was great. I will always remember as a kid when i hit my first illegitimate
birdie on a par three hole with him coaching. It was cool because we were breaking the rules a little by teeing
off multiple times since nobody was behind us. Granddad really thought I could hit one onto the green,
but my first two shots were quickly gone in the bushes. On the third shot, after some more swing adjustments,
I slapped a liner that hit the patch of fairway in front of the green and bounced and tricked about 8 feet from the hole.
I just remember him showing me the line for that putt, and him making me do some practice strokes.
I knew i could make the putt because I had creamed you guys at mini golf so many times before, but i was nervous I was gonna miss it.
I barely made the putt, the ball hit the outside right of the cup and spiraled in. We were both really excited.
I didnt hit another birdie for years after that.
I remember riding around in the golf cart and Granddad saying what's up to all his golf buddies, and saying to them this is my grandson.
Then I'd have to endure weird small talk with old dudes. I remember he would tell jokes that were usually somewhat dirty,
and be the first one laughing right after he said it. He would smoke the shit out of some cigars the whole time.
I remember him wearing all the leg braces, and back braces, and wrist supporters and shit that he would wear golfing
while sitting on his recliner watching golf on tv, eating sandwiches that Grandma made. I gotta start playing golf again.
I'm glad granddad and Tessa got to share some time together. I love you guys.
I will add a memory that Jenn and Beth might not remember.
Every time you stayed at their house when you were little, he would blow up balloons and then let them go so that you could catch them.
Your Dad and I were always amazed that he would do something like that, because he would do this for HOURS!
I guess that stopped once you all started to play "Happy Hour".
One of my memories was when they would stay here to watch Muffin, he would always throw the stick for her.
He never tired of doing that. We still had the stick when Muffine died and he made a cross out of it for her grave.
We always laughed that we never knew Muffin was Catholic!
For someone who didn't seem to like animals, he really seemed to love all of our dogs.
There are many more memories, some typical Dad/Grandad and some not so typical of him, but that was Joe Castoro.
He really loved all of you and would tear up when he talked of you. He might have seemed like a tough guy on the outside
but on the inside he was a pussy cat. Thanks for starting this. Love hearing these stories.
I will most definitely miss my father-in-law. I always felt loved by him.
By the way, thanks dad for leaving me off the initial email. I know I'm not the favorite, but come on.
But seriously, nice memories Dad. I'm learning some cool things I never knew!
That would be awesome Jay. You should totally record it and send it to us.
I have a song he wrote for the piano somewhere. I played it a few years back. Not sure if I could do it again.
But my books are at Jennie's. So I will look for it next time I'm home.
© Copyright 2012 Lilli C Filichia. All Rights Reserved. Updated 12/28/2012